Monday, March 31, 2008

Strong Profit

In Shell CEO defends strong profits (2006), the author says that the surging price of oil will increase too much. He refers that to lack of security circumstances. Some big companies, Shell one of them, were warned about high prices, and they were worried. In Shell, they invest their profit? also they want to produce oil and gas. In this world, the big challenge is energy. He explains that Shell has big resources in energy. Therefore, Shell can permanent any project they want it. Shell can reserve millions of barrels. Shell can help the government with some projects by recovering what they need from oil, or it can give government money for a huge project. The author gives tow examples, first Shell trying to cover all worlds. They negotiated the government of Venezuela. After negotiation, Shell has a good platform. The second example is about any entrepreneur, Shell is concerned as a good entrepreneur.

The world is losing its oil? People need heating and air conditioning? People need energy and what shall they do? Be quiet, this will not happen now; this may happen in the future. Now people have oil and they have air conditioning for the hot part of the summer and they have heating for the cold of the winter. There are many big companies for oil. Shell is one of the biggest companies in the world. Shell should help to solve the problem of lack of energy in the world for many reasons; it can select projects, decrease the surging price, and construct a big factory for industry.

First, Shell can select many projects to help people and make more money from the income. Shell can perform the project quickly. Shell has more money since it has more profits. Therefore, Shell can help people by making some projects and taking many employees for these projects. Shell can make small works like tailors works. Shell can get many ideas from the people when Shell starts to do these projects. Shell can help the people by constructing many centers for health and it would be free for poor people.

The second reason that Shell can solve the problem of lack of energy is that Shell can help to decrease the price in the world. It can make some pressure to the countries that produce the oil to decrease the price and to increase the quantity of oil production. Shell can support the scientists by trying to find another resource for energy and by giving them more money for their research. Shell contract with scientists about these researches, its for Shell only. Its reserved for Shell. Shell is the only useful from researches.

Finally, Shell can construct many factories to help people and communities. Shell can help governments with many projects by giving them money to perform many things to help their population. Shell can give this money as loans or as contributions. It can make a good advertisement for good candidates for president or members of parliaments. Factories will give Shell more money since there are profits.

In conclusion, oil is very important in this world for many things. People need oil for traveling, heating, and air conditioning. Many people use oil from Shell many times for their cars. It has high quality oil. Even though Shell has an expensive price for oil, it is one of the best companies in the world for oil. People need help these days, especially in the poor countries. People hope to live in this life with good health. If they have a good job, they can interesting with their families.


Shell CEO defends strong profits. (2006, May 4). Retrieved on March 26, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.

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